Immerse yourself in the vibrant Scandinavian and Nordic cultures at FIKA(S), Montreal's immersive festival that harmonizes music, cinema, and gastronomy. FIKA(S) offers a bridge between the rich traditions of the North and the diverse tapestry of Quebec and Canada, inviting attendees into a world of intimate and unifying art forms.
This year, Jason Rodi, renowned for pioneering the Slow TV movement, presents a special remix of his acclaimed NØRD series to the music of his neo-psychedelic band, ANTENNAE. Annually illuminating Montreal's winter nights as part of Quartier des Spectacles' Luminothérapie, NØRD brings the enchantment of Nordic nature to our urban landscape.
NØRD captures the essence of Slow TV, portraying the serene, unhurried rhythm of life through extended, peaceful footage. Journey with Rodi on a road trip to North Cape, Norway, and indulge in a meditative experience amidst the majestic Nordic wilderness.
Featuring awe-inspiring Norwegian vistas and poignant glimpses of Arctic wildlife provided by explorer Jean Lemire, NØRD beckons you to discover a realm that, while distant, resonates with a profound sense of connection.
Jason Rodi's media career is a testament to creativity and exploration. From founding Moment Factory to pushing the envelope with immersive narratives at NOMAD, Rodi's innovative spirit challenges the norms of storytelling. His contributions, honored by the Meritorious Service Cross of Canada, continue to ignite imagination and wonder.
We invite you to the FIKA(S) festival, running from March 9th to 15th, 2024. Dive into the serene beauty of the North with 'NØRD,' guided by Jason Rodi's expertise in Slow TV. Engage in this reflective journey and embrace a moment of tranquility, embodying the very essence of FIKA(S).
Norway 01 - intra}flora
Norway 02 North Cape - Piki Chappell - transelevental + RIN NE
Norway 03 - North is Down - Piki Chappell reverse
Norway 04 - Alchemy (forward and back)
Norway 05 - Fire & Ice
Norway 06 - Lua by Piki Chappell
Norway 07 - Sommarøy
Norway 08 - Road to Tromsø - Piki Chappell - Roika Novox Nobas
Norway 09 - Moon Moving - Piki Chappell
NØRD, une production du Quartier des spectacles, par NOMAD Life, illumine les murs de Montréal avec la biodiversité nordique dans le cadre de Luminothérapie, jusqu’au printemps. Tourné récemment au Cap Nord, en Norvège, le réalisateur Jason Rodi à aussi fait appel à l’explorateur Jean Lemire pour ses images de la faune Arctique. NØRD vous invite à contempler la beauté d’un monde lointain et pourtant si proche.